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Our Artificial Intelligence Module Increases Guest Participation at any Event or Retail Location

Guests can select from an assortment of custom AI solutions that
can include your brand messaging, logos, and links.
Picture Marketing Section new website AI panel 2
Picture Marketing Section 2 Revisions 3v7

Using AI to Replace Backgrounds

The guest uploads their own photo via a branded website. Below the photo, we pre-install your selection of custom Prompts. The guests click the desired prompt buttons to create the image. Every photo creation is different, making the guest’s image a unique collectible, embellished with your brand messaging and logo overlay. We can also add multiple comment fields where guests can enter their name, caption, year, team, etc.

Each of the four images below was regenerated from the original photo on the right with the same two Prompts: “RED LIGHTNING” and “THE BEACH.” We can install any number of custom Prompts and image styles to select from.

original guest image for AI Landing Page.

Or give us a call today at (949) 429-3030

   Using AI to Turn Still Photos into Movies of Your Guest

Each still photo is returned to the guest as a unique movie file that features the guest image being altered in forms that can feature your brand messaging and colors.  Our team can isolate the face so it does not change, or add any number of custom Prompts that guide the AI module to output the movie within defined parameters.  For example; preserve or change the hair color or skin color, add angel wings, preserve face, add specific background images, create in cartoon style, keep photo-realistic, expand head size, etc.  The possibilities are endless, and our expert programmers will work with your team to ensure the creation is on-brand…and very shareable!

Cheerleader still shot for AI Landing page

    Using AI to To Create a Custom Branded Movie of Your Guest

Starting with either a still photo or a video of your guest, our team will create a branded movie of any length desired, using your team’s creative input to ensure that the movie delivers your brand message.  Each still photo is returned to the guest as a unique movie file that features the guest image being altered in forms that can feature your brand messaging and colors.

The original guest video was two seconds long, showing the guest jumping up off the ground.

The AI posterized the image and launched into the full 60+ second movie.

Here are the first few seconds.

As with the other modules, our team can alter the Prompts and output so that, while each piece of media generated is unique and different, they all follow the same brand guidelines. For example;

  • Show me the guest’s face every xxx seconds
  • Add the brand logo and make it appear every xxx seconds
  • Use a style that is….psychedelic, or cartoonish, or marionette-looking, or neon-art style, etc.
  • Make the brand colors predominant

Fill out the form to get more information, or give us a call at

(949) 429-3030, or email us at <>